Saturday, March 27, 2010

More on India

First off, my apologies for lagging in the blogging recently. I've been keeping up with attending my 3 classes, but doing all the readings and taking tests would be out of the question. (I don't know how these students get it all done, and still have time to have a good time, which they certainly do. ) Speaking of my American Politics class, how about that health care bill! After learning about all the hurdles a bill has to go through I was amazed that it actually passed. Am not sure of all the details, but just the fact that you cannot deny someone health insurance because they are sick and really need it seems quite civilized.
Back to India, we did spend one serene, enchanting day on the lake and backwaters of Alleppey. People live on the narrow strip of land between the rice fields and the canals. We passed people washing clothes, dishes, and themselves in the canals. The big houseboats are what tourists rent for 75$ a night, meals included. In the bus out of town we passed a guy on an elephant, talking on a cell phone, a family on a motorcycle, and we stopped at a spice shop. It was a lovely, enchanting day. Then we were off to Mauritius!


  1. did you find any peach chutney in the spice shop? moyers was great last night. we're really ready for you to come home. lyf, m

  2. I wrote a really long note but not certain it posted. Will check again later. MG

  3. OK - don't think it posted. Wanted to let you know that Betsy Bottomly died yesterday and I am on my way to UK Tuesday for 16 days to be with Kati (which had already been planned.
    Your new shingles should be completed on building by journey's end so that is good.
    And don't fall into the belly of a whale - we would miss you too much. I will try posting this again.
