Saturday, March 20, 2010

About India

Yes, I've been avoiding blogging about India. It will take me a long time to understand what we saw in Chennai and Cochin. It is jangling to the senses. The cities were crowded, chaotic, dirty and hot, but women glide by in beautiful saris, all colors of the rainbow. There are piles of garbage, and there is the Taj Mahal, (which we saw only in other people's pictures). India is the largest democracy in the world, with a president and a prime minister, but apparently little central planning. The cab drivers cheat you, but the restaurants serve a delicious feast for 2 dollars. We loved every single meal here; everything else will take much longer to digest. Such as: Women getting water, the lovely port in Chennai, the rooftops in Pondicherry( a small coastal city), the salt farms, and I give up with trying to arrange pictures on this #*&%$##@!! thing. Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. My students are doing projects on India at the moment. So, it is very interesting to see the pictures and read your comments. They enjoyed the pictures of the large Buddha and the chairlift too. I am loving the blog ! Keep blogging.
